living in gratitue and anxiety

What Kind of Times Are These
I am sad but full of gratitude and optimism for the changes we need
I think we need plants more than ever
I hope we can learn how important it is to connect

Faced with the choice to seek safety outside of the city, I had many concerns. One of which being, how would I take care of my plants? They provide me with so much calm and they're something to nurture that never pushes back. There is no two-way dialogue, no protests, no argument from the plants. The response they give is either life or death. I had to leave some behind, hoping they'd be hearty enough to survive; some with my downstairs neighbors whom I barely know which gives me pause but they were too large for the car; and brought some up here. Delicately wrapped in bubble wrap I sat next to them in the back seat. I'm glad they're here with me. I couldn't bear to leave behind the most reliable thing in my apartment.

Three extremely important spirtiual rays are concentrated in the heart, consisting of different luminosities. 1. Pink light which is directly related to unconditional love. 2. Blue light which is directly related to the power of creation. 3. Yellow light, which represents the totality of the self.